Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Web Poster Wizard: Teacher Worksheets

Web Poster Wizard: Teacher Worksheets is a FREE online Web 2.0 tool that allows teachers to create online worksheets containing a photo, text, and links to related web sites to publish online.  No more need to print out worksheets and waste time telling students how to get to a web site.  The assignment/questions and links to answers are all on the same page…just a click away!  What a time-saver!

If you have already registered with Web Poster Wizard, then you are ready to being…just log in!  If you need to register, then follow Step 1 below.

Step 1: Register: Teachers must first register so they can manage classes and worksheets.  It is the same process as registering to use the Project Poster feature. Teachers only need to provide their name, email address, and create a password.

Step 2: Manage Classes: Once a teacher logs in, this section is pretty self-explanatory as it provides directions right on the page.  Teachers can set up classes in which students can sign in with a class code to complete assignments.  However, you don’t even have to give students class codes if you link your list of assignments on your page on the district web site!

Step 3: Create Worksheet: Beside each class name on the far right are icons. To create a new worksheet, click on the Manage icon and then click Create Worksheet.  From this page you can also edit or delete a worksheet.  After a worksheet is created, it is assigned an ID number link.  This link alone can also be linked on your page of the district web site so students can go straight to the assignment.

Step 4: There are only 4 steps to creating a worksheet and wizard walks you through each one.  1) Header and Body Layout, 2) Page Content, 3) Links and Image, and 4) Fonts and Colors.  That’s it!  Just follow the directions on each page.  (Note: when choosing background and font colors consider the readability.)

Create an assignment worksheet for a project or activity with links to use for reference. 

Create a question worksheet with links to find the answers.  Students record their answers on notebook paper.  Think of the copy paper we could save by not printing worksheets!  This will create more meaningful internet researches with specific questions to answer.  It will also foster better directed online research to reliable sites you pick…a great way to avoid random Google searches, Wikipedia, blogs, etc.

Create a scavenger hunt with the links to search.  All your worksheets are permanently saved on the web and can follow you from district to district.

Create a video and post it or find a relevant video on SchoolTube or TeacherTube (or a non-blocked online video).  Link that video on the worksheet to have students watch and answer questions or post an activity for them to do after watching or have them create a Project Poster to post. 

The high school library has created research paper worksheets for each grade level 8-12.  Scroll down to Research Paper Projects and get an idea of what a worksheet will look like.  Here are some examples of other teacher worksheets:
The Nut That’s Not - PEANUTS
Fuel for Thought

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